JAD People is talent agency based in Prague. We focus mainly on representing & booking dancers, choreographers, commercial faces and creative artists. During more than 10 years of operation, JAD People worked with world most famous clients and artist such as Kanye West, adidas, Mercedes, McDonald’s and many more. We believe that creativity comes from diversity. We are JAD People.
JAD Productions, s.r.o.
IČ, DIČ: 24744743, CZ24744743
sídlem: Dům Radost, nám. Winstona Churchilla 1800/2, Praha 3
zastoupená: Yemi A.D. / jednatel
zapsaná v Obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městkým soudem v Praze oddíl C,
vložka č. 170742
Booking: Klára Onallah
GSM: +420 775 518 708
Email: klara@jadpro.cz
Project coordinator: Lucie Snášelová
GSM: +420 604 444 454
Email: lucie.snaselova@jadpro.cz